It's Kai

Hi, it's Kai

Welcome to my little corner of the internet :)
Please enjoy your stay. if you're having a good time, let's do something together!

(and also feel free to
& tell me what's on your mind!)

Some things I've been exploring lately:

how principles and practices shape peoples lives
how important it is to simply show up
increasing the surface area for self-connection
posture and practicing the way you show up for yourself
"trying" vs "letting things unfold"
how the world needs you to come alive
honouring yourself in connnection with others
seeing the beauty in your own fear and awkwardness

Do any of these resonate with you? Let's go for a walk and talk about it :)

Sometimes, Kai writes.

the need to be witnessed


sometimes all i need to escape the sunken place

is to be held and witnessed by a gentle other

who can drop into a moment together with me

and see me for everything that i am feeling

and make it all feel okay, together with me

and even as i strive to live a life of independence and self-love

i still find that in my darker moments, it is ultimately a loving connection

where i have the permission and safety to express my hurt aloud

that restores my sense of wholeness and embodied spaciousness

and wakes me up to the love that comes from within

part of me is scared to realize that i need this—

connection is rare, and stumbling into it at the right time is even rarer;

maybe it would be be better to just figure out how to do it all on my own.

but maybe to be human is to need loving connection

and the more mature thing to do, is to learn to ask for it.

honestly, maybe it's both.

it's probably both

growing up is learning to love yourself, and learning to ask for it when you cannot

and wisdom comes from the ability to discern

what you can do by yourself, and when you need to ask for help.

more words pls