It's Kai

Hi, it's Kai

Welcome to my little corner of the internet :)
Please enjoy your stay. if you're having a good time, let's do something together!

(and also feel free to
& tell me what's on your mind!)

Some things I've been exploring lately:

how principles and practices shape peoples lives
how important it is to simply show up
increasing the surface area for self-connection
posture and practicing the way you show up for yourself
"trying" vs "letting things unfold"
how the world needs you to come alive
honouring yourself in connnection with others
seeing the beauty in your own fear and awkwardness

Do any of these resonate with you? Let's go for a walk and talk about it :)

Sometimes, Kai writes.

the north beach psychic


i was in a silly mood wandering around by myself in north beach while drinking a bubble tea from a shop that a stranger recommended to me earlier that day. nothing i had planned for that day was working out the way i hoped—all 4 participants cancelled on me for this journaling circle event i was hosting, gpt-4-vision wasn't cooperating with me, and i couldn't stop feeling bad after saying hi to this person i had a crush on.

so since nothing was working out for me, i decided to take a break from my reality, and just go somewhere random and pretend that i'm a totally different person living a completely different life. i ended up skateboarding to north beach, stashing my board behind a bookshelf in city lights bookstore, and then i just wandered around aimlessly, listening to street musicians and people watching.

soon, i found myself looking at these really crowded chinatown apartment units and imagining an alternate life where my family immigrated to sf chinatown instead of toronto chinatown—and that's when i saw these stairs going up and a little sign that said "psychic". and i thought to myself hmm—i wonder, what would it be like to sit in a psychic's waiting room? what would the decor be like—would there be paintings? or fancy chairs? framed thank-you letters? my curiosity got the better of me, and i climbed up the stairs to investigate. i had been exploring environment design for a while now, and what better way to learn about environment design than to experience new unfamiliar environments?

more words pls