It's Kai

Hi, it's Kai

Welcome to my little corner of the internet :)
Please enjoy your stay. if you're having a good time, let's do something together!

(and also feel free to
& tell me what's on your mind!)

Some things I've been exploring lately:

how principles and practices shape peoples lives
how important it is to simply show up
increasing the surface area for self-connection
posture and practicing the way you show up for yourself
"trying" vs "letting things unfold"
how the world needs you to come alive
honouring yourself in connnection with others
seeing the beauty in your own fear and awkwardness

Do any of these resonate with you? Let's go for a walk and talk about it :)

Sometimes, Kai writes.

late night tummy feelings


everything’s fine.

i’m serious! things are pretty good

like, i have people that care about me. work is fun. there are things to make and people to feed and sights to see. things are very fine!

but then… so why do i have these tummy feelings? this tension, this unsettled-ness? why does it gotta be like this? can’t it just be like, “things are good. end of story.”? why does it have to be, “things are good, and yet still… something is still so very terribly wrong”? why am i somehow still on the verge of tears?

maybe there’s something i’m not letting myself feel. maybe i think my feelings are ‘dumb’ too early, maybe i judge my feelings to be unworthy of being taken seriously, and this causes them only grumble louder. is it worth the pain, to dive into what they have to say? is there a better place, on the other side?

i guess there’s only one way to find out.

more words pls