It's Kai

Hi, it's Kai

Welcome to my little corner of the internet :)
Please enjoy your stay. if you're having a good time, let's do something together!

(and also feel free to
& tell me what's on your mind!)

Some things I've been exploring lately:

how principles and practices shape peoples lives
how important it is to simply show up
increasing the surface area for self-connection
posture and practicing the way you show up for yourself
"trying" vs "letting things unfold"
how the world needs you to come alive
honouring yourself in connnection with others
seeing the beauty in your own fear and awkwardness

Do any of these resonate with you? Let's go for a walk and talk about it :)

Sometimes, Kai writes.



i wasn't very popular growing up

in many ways, i was a loser, and people saw me as such

i didn't have a lot of friends, i didn't do a whole lot, and i didn't particularly like myself

a lot of my time was spent hiding away from the world, wishing that things were different wishing that i was different feeling trapped in a life that i didn't sign up for


i'm 24 now. i haven't been called a loser in a long time. but of course, i still feel like i'm... different. and i'm sure many others feel the same

and sometimes i still feel sad for no reason— a lingering sense of disconnection that never left

but more and more, i see how being a loser early on has helped me grow, how growing up different helped me break free

because when you're a loser for long enough, you start to become disenchanted with the game the game of who's cool and who's not of should haves and should nots

you give up trying to win the game and after a while, you stop playing in entirely. you begin to think for yourself, feel for yourself, and after a long while, you might even start to believe in yourself— to celebrate what makes you different, rather than detest it

i look around as i walk through the world and i still see so many people playing the game, that game of who's cool and who's not a game of perception and status and lots of pretend and as i walk, i now start to catch myself thinking: thank goodness i was different thank goodness i lost the game early

thank goodness i gave up playing pretend, so that i could start to take being real, seriously.

more words pls